Artist of the month at StickerApp: Moritz profile picture.

Artist of the Month: Moritz

Moritz's colorful sticker thank you card

Thank you card April 2024: Moritz

Meet the Artist

A glimpse into the creative
world of Moritz Adam Schmitt.

A StickerApp Interview Written by Nora 2024-03-08

I'm an illustrator and artist based in Cologne, Germany. I artcycle things and paint very colorful pictures that are meant to make other people happy and provoke thought.

StickerApp: How would you define your style?

Moritz: Colorful, bold and happy, with inspirations of Pop and Street Art.

StickerApp: What's your favorite technique?

Moritz: Acrylic Paint on wood

Moritz design

Colorful design

StickerApp: Who or what's your biggest inspiration?

Moritz: In terms of content, my biggest sources of inspiration are personal experiences and current events in the world. Visually, I'm heavily inspired by Pop and Street Art.

StickerApp: How did it all start?

Moritz: Short form: Like most of my colleagues, I enjoyed drawing and painting as a child. I discovered Photoshop in 2007. From 2013 to 2016, I studied Media Design and worked as a web designer during that time, reigniting my passion for illustration. Since 2016, I've been working as a freelance digital illustrator, and for about a year now, I've been painting and drawing analog again. The circle is complete :D

StickerApp: Do you have a tip for those who are starting out?

Moritz: Don't chase your signature style; style is overrated and naturally develops over time. Do it because you love it, not because you want to be successful.

Moritz Adam

Moritz art

StickerApp: What's your favorite app or program?

Moritz: Procreate.

StickerApp: Why do you use StickerApp?

Moritz: I first ordered stickers from Stickerapp in 2015/16, and I was super satisfied with the result. Plus, I love the wide selection of materials they offer.

StickerApp: What's your favorite material?

Moritz: Puh, I haven't tried them all yet, but so far I'd say: Vinyl, because it's a classic, Kraft Paper, because it's recycled, and holographic, because it just looks dope.

StickerApp: How do you use stickers for your own business/personal brand?

Moritz:I use them to jazz up my print packaging and as gifts for print orders.