Diego Pedauyé
Illustrator from Madrid. Loves Glam Rock, Food & Nerdy Stuff. @diegopedauye
https://diegopedauye.comSafe Prince
49" x 69"
Hopeless Merc
3.4" x 3.4"
3.0" x 3.4"
Striped & Stalked
3.3" x 3.4"
Wilson Van Merc
2.6" x 3.4"
3.2" x 3.4"
Tauntaun Lights
2.5" x 3.3"
Fresh Punch
2.7" x 3.4"
Q of Glam
2.9" x 3.4"
Old School Sushinchu
2.3" x 3.9"
Cantina Duelists
3.0" x 3.0"
Epic Royale
3.0" x 3.0"
Train with Squanchy
3.0" x 3.2"
Go Demodogs Go
3.9" x 3.4"
Proud Prince
3.4" x 3.0"