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Difference between RGB and CMYK

RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue.

This is the color format that is used for things like computer screens and digital images. It uses those three colors to create all the other colors you see on your screen. RGB colors are made by adding different levels of red, green, and blue light together. So if you mix red, green, and blue lights, you get white light.

Use CMYK for print

On the other hand, CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (which is just another name for black). This is the color format that is used for printing things like stickers, brochures, and other paper-based materials. It uses those four colors to create all the other colors you see on printed materials. CMYK colors are made by adding different levels of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black ink together. So if you mix cyan, magenta, and yellow ink, you get a dark color (usually brown), and if you add black ink to that mix, you get a deeper, richer color. The richest black when printing with us will be 40,40,40,100. What really black stickers?

Now, you might be wondering why CMYK is the format for printing stickers specifically. Well, the reason is that printers use ink to create colors on paper, and ink is a physical substance that works differently from light. RGB colors are made with light, so they can look different when printed on paper than they do on a screen. CMYK colors, on the other hand, are made with ink, which looks more like what you see on paper. That's why CMYK is the format that is best for printing stickers and other paper-based materials.

So there you have it! That's the difference between RGB and CMYK and why CMYK is the format for printing stickers.

Here is an example of the color conversion from RGB to CMYK.

Difference between RGB and CNMYK


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