2023 Peelback A Slaptacular Year
Launches, laughs, and lots of new friends. We’re peeling back the paper and revealing our favorite achievements of the year. Check out our 2023 PeelBack here.
Our most loyal sticker lovers qualified for their very own personalized PeelBack, complete with fancy badges for each achievement unlocked!
How do I know if I qualify? Expect your very own personal PeelBack straight to your inbox if you have completed at least two sticker orders with us this year, and if you’re subscribed to our newsletter.

2023 Achievements
In 2023 we set 9 possible achievements and badges to unlock. The more unique features you used, the more badges you collect! Read about each achievement and its badge below.

Sticker Apprentice
You created and printed stickers with us at least twice in 2023.

You left a comment in the editor in at least 1 of your orders in 2023.

You printed at least one order of stickers in a special material in 2023.

You printed a sticker in a metallic material: Holo, Glitter, Mirror, Prismatic, Brushed aluminum.

Early Adopter
You tried something new we launched in 2023, i.e. our Pixie Dust Material.

Sticker Smith
You included a sticker add-on or created a Custom Sticker pack in 2023.

Material Master
You created stickers in 3 or more different materials.

You were a loyal newsletter subscriber in 2023!
Badge Grabber
You completed all achievements set in place for 2023. Well done!

Share your badges and tag us!
Check your email in early January and share your earned badges. Missed the 2023 PeelBack? Subscribe to our newsletter and keep creating!